For professionals with strategic responsibilities, we offer a specialised workshop on lobbying in relation to cantonal health policy.

The cantons play a leading role in the organisation of the health system, particularly in the provision of health care. They are also regulators, financiers, supervisors and providers of services. Numerous players are involved in this sector, including public, para-public and private organisations and associations.

The aim of this specialised workshop is to equip participants with the resources to influence the decisions of the authorities in their field.

At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:

  • Cite the different components of a lobbying strategy, explain their articulation and justify their relevance
  • Solve a concrete lobbying situation within the context of cantonal health policy
  • Cite the ethical rules of this profession

Content of the training :

  • The global health policy context
  • The political decision-making process
  • Lobbying strategy: situation analysis and action plan
  • The resolution of a concrete lobbying issue
  • Ethical rules in the field of lobbying

A bibliography will be proposed at least one week before the training session. A handout and a certificate of participation will be given the same day. A laptop computer is required. The courses are delivered in French.

Practical information:
“Health policy” workshop: Friday 27 November 2020 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. – Hotel Alpha Palmiers,34 rue du Petit-Chêne, Lausanne

Price: 550 CHF or 450 CHF if combined with the Introduction to lobbying training session (including lunch)
For information:
Maximum 8 participants per specialised workshop